
I created this site because I've been researching girls' media production for over a decade now, and wanted to pull together in one place information on girl media producers, as well as programs for and research about girls' media-making.

If you'd like me to link to your work or program, please email me. This project will grow and be useful only through the help of good people like yourself. I'm especially interested in adding information on programs and research from outside the U.S. Thanks!

Research on Women in the Media Industries

Bielby, Denise D. and William T. Bielby. 1996. “Women and Men in Film: Gender Inequality Among Writers in a Culture Industry.” Gender & Society 10.3 (1996) 248-270.

Falk, Erika and Erin Grizard. “The Glass Ceiling Persists: The 3rd Annual APPC Report on Women Leaders in Communication Companies.” Annenberg Public Policy Center (Dec. 2003).

Gill, Rosalind. "Justifying Injustice: Broadcasters' Accounts of Inequality in Radio." Discourse Analytic Research: Readings and Repertoires of Texts in Action. Eds. Erica Burman and Ian Parker. London: Routledge, 1993. 75-93.

Jamieson, Kathleen Hall, Lorie Slass, and Nicole Porter. “Progress or No Room at the Top?: The Role of Women in Telecommunications, Broadcast, Cable, and E-Companies.” Annenberg Public Policy Center (Mar. 2001).

Lauzen, Martha M. "Boxed In: Women on Screen and Behind the Scenes in the 2007-08 Prime-time Season." Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film (Sept. 2008).

--- and David M. Dozier. “Equal Time in Prime Time?: Scheduling Favoritism and Gender on the Broadcast Networks. ” Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 46.1 (Mar. 2002) 137-153.

---. “Evening the Score in Prime Time: The Relationship Between Behind-the-Scenes Women and On-Screen Portrayals in the 2002-2003 Season.” Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 48.3 (2004) 484-500.

---. “Making a Difference in Prime Time: Women on Screen and Behind the Scenes in the 1995-96 Television Season.” Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 43.1 (1999) 1-19.

---. “The Role of Women on Screen and behind the Scenes in the Television and Film Industries: Review of a Program of Research.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 23.4 (1999) 355-373.

--- and Elizabeth Cleveland. “Genre Matters: An Examination of Women Working Behind the Scenes and On-screen Portrayals in Reality and Scripted Prime-Time Programming.” Sex Roles 55 (2006) 445-455.

--- and Manda V. Hicks. “Prime-Time Players and Powerful Prose: The Role of Women in the 1997-1998 Television Season.” Mass Communication and Society 54.1 (2001) 39-60.

Sandstrom, Boden. “Women Mix Engineers and the Power of Sound.” Music and Gender. Eds. Pirkko Moisala and Beverley Diamond. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2000. 289-305.